Dollar : July 13, 2013
Image Data
File Name: 1DX_141668
Model: Canon EOS-1D X
Lens: EF 16-35mm F/2.8L II USM
Date: 07.09.13 10:51pm
Focal Length: 35mm (35mm)
Shutter: 1/50 s
F-Stop: F5.6
ISO: 800
Ex Bias: +1/3 EV
Program: Aperture priority
Metering: Multi-segment
Focus Distance: Infinity
File Name: 1DX_141668
Model: Canon EOS-1D X
Lens: EF 16-35mm F/2.8L II USM
Date: 07.09.13 10:51pm
Focal Length: 35mm (35mm)
Shutter: 1/50 s
F-Stop: F5.6
ISO: 800
Ex Bias: +1/3 EV
Program: Aperture priority
Metering: Multi-segment
Focus Distance: Infinity
Thanks for the Like/Fave!
Comments: 2 Views: 519 You Liked/Faved This (106) Des Moines International Airport
Wanna take a stroll through DSM International? Well, I just photographed a virtual tour there :) Check your baggage at the door.
Comments (0)
Eric Martin
07.31.13 1:03pm
Nice. Much cooler than the virtual tour of the IEC research and test sites :)
Jasey Michelle 07.31.13 8:47pm
What do you mean, that was the best vtour ever!
I was actually just checking out the IEC website a few weeks ago, because Amy Myers found me on LinkedIn. They must not take on design interns anymore; their current site was designed by Flying Hippo.
Nice. Much cooler than the virtual tour of the IEC research and test sites :)
Jasey Michelle 07.31.13 8:47pm
What do you mean, that was the best vtour ever!
I was actually just checking out the IEC website a few weeks ago, because Amy Myers found me on LinkedIn. They must not take on design interns anymore; their current site was designed by Flying Hippo.