Gear : May 29, 2009

Image Data
File Name: 50D_32151
Model: Canon EOS 50D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm F/3.5-4.5 USM
Date: 05.28.09 9:42pm
Focal Length: 22mm (35mm)
Shutter: 1/200 s
F-Stop: F5.6
ISO: 400
Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Evaluative
Flash: External
Flash Bias: +1.67 EV
Flash Details: External flash, E-TTL
Focus Mode: One shot AF


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Colin was kind enough to lend me his gear so I could sell it on ebay would have a backup in case Murphy comes along this weekend and breaks something at the wedding. Always need to have a backup for everything, cuz there's no do-overs! ;) As long as I don't need a backup for myself!

Figured while I had multiples of everything, it would be a good time to setup a photo and make it appear as if I could actually afford two of every lens. I'll let you figure out how I photographed the camera that took this photo...

So much more gear that isn't shown here. This is basically everything that's battery powered ;)

Canon 50D
Canon 40D
Canon 20D
2x Canon EF-S 10-22mm F/3.5-4.5 USM
2x Canon EF 24-70mm F/2.8 USM
2x Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 USM
Canon EF 100mm F/2.8 Macro
Canon 580EX Flash
Canon 550EX Flash
Vivitar 285HV Flash
Sekonic L-358 Light meter
4x Cybersync CSRB+ flash receivers
Cybercync CST flash transmitter
Stroboframe Pro-T flash bracket
Canon CP-E4 flash battery pack

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ami   05.29.09 6:04am  
oooh!! oooh!! I know!! I know!!

(of course, I watched ya do it.... !) ;)
Wondering   05.29.09 7:35am  
Ami, How many pairs of shoes could all this equipment buy?
Colin   05.29.09 8:26am  
Looks like about 10 grand so I guess it depends on what kind of shoes. Shoes do wear out faster though!
ami   05.29.09 3:28pm  
10,000?!?! That's a LOT of uggs!! <3
Dan Zimmermann   08.07.09 4:36pm  
Is it a trade secret?

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