Sharp to the Edge : May 27, 2010

Sharp to the Edge
Image Data
File Name: 7D_81228
Model: Canon EOS 7D
Lens: EF-S 10-22mm F/3.5-4.5 USM
Date: 05.25.10 6:18pm
Focal Length: 10mm (16mm)
Shutter: 1/60 s
F-Stop: F5.6
ISO: 200
Ex Bias: +1 EV
Program: Aperture priority
Metering: Multi-segment
Focus Distance: Infinity

Sharp to the Edge

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ZOMG! I'm so freakin furious at Canon right now, it's not even funny!

The full back-story...
You may recall me mentioning that my 10-22mm lens failed during the final Energy game, the end of April. Well, the aperture froze up on it. So, I send it in for repair the very beginning of May. I'm a member of CPS (Canon Professional Services), which gives me priority 3-day repair turnaround, a nice discount & overnight return shipping. Shipped the lens in on a Monday, it's back in my hands that same Friday. I'm pretty impressed with Canon's service, and I quickly verify the aperture problem has been successfully fixed.

Or, so I thought...

At a shoot that weekend, I discover there's now a terrible image quality issue, where the right 1/3 of the frame is terribly soft. For example, text in the center of the frame could be perfectly legible, but a horrendous illegible blur on the right edge. Colin lets me do a direct comparison against his lens to 100% assure me that Canon introduced a new problem into my lens when fixing the first.

So, the lens gets shipped back to Canon. They give me a free overnight shipping label, so I don't hafta pay to return it. I included a printout of sample images compared against Colin's working 10-22. The lens comes back a week later, stating that they found a problem and replaced more parts. I test the lens, and it exhibits the exact same crappy behavior as before!

So, I'm getting a bit upset at this point. I talk to Canon again, and they send me another return label. But it's for friggen-slow Ground shipping, not overnight. So I call them out on that and they send me a new label. But it's still only 2-day, not overnight. Whatever, I ship the lens back for the 3rd time last Wednesday. Sent to CA instead of NJ this time to give the west-coast a crack at it.

3.5 weeks since I first sent the lens in, it's returned for the 3rd time yesterday. The repair note states that the lens has been tested to meet factory specifications and that no repairs were made!!! They state I should send in the camera body for inspection! W.T.F.!!!

This is ridiculous. It's been tested by me against another copy of the lens, and on several camera bodies. If this quality level passes Canon's QC, then their standards are either way lower than humanly possible, or their testing is beyond flawed.

I'm supposed to be hearing from their customer relations department today, as apparently once you've been in for repair 3x, you can finally get things escalated. It's not like I have a wedding on Saturday I need that lens for or anything, and Colin ran for the border, taking the lens he's been loaning me with him.

This photo was shot with Colin's 10-22. Notice how it is sharp all the way to the edge. See that Canon!? This lens is obviously capable of such performance...

This novel should satisfy your reading requirements for the day. No need to thank me.

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