Twist Off Splash : February 15, 2008

Twist Off Splash
Image Data
File Name: 20D_15385
Model: Canon EOS 20D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm F/2.8 USM Macro
Date: 02.14.08 8:50pm
Focal Length: 100mm (160mm)
Shutter: 1/250 s
F-Stop: F9
ISO: 400
Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Evaluative
Flash: On
Flash Bias: +2 EV
Flash Details: External flash, E-TTL
Focus Mode: Manual focus

Twist Off Splash

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Yup, another bottle cap ;) So, why do some beers have a twist off cap & others have the traditional pry off? Pry-off capping equipment is slightly less costly than twist-off equipment, which is a factor for some small breweries. But many craft brewers choose pry-off caps not for the savings but because they believe those caps provide a better seal against oxygen. The Brewers Association, a trade organization for craft brewers, estimates that 80 to 85 percent of its members use pry-off caps on their beer bottles. This reinforces the idea among craft-beer drinkers that only good beers use pry-offs. Another good reason for the pry-off is the feel of the mouth of the bottle on the lips of the drinker.

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Jasey Michelle   02.15.08 8:23pm  
Sorry, our internet connection was down all day, so this site was down. Called tech support after work. After sitting on hold for half an hour, he says they'll hafta send a tech out to the house... not till Sunday. So I've now moved the site to my dedicated box down in Texas...

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