Fine. : December 31, 2008

Image Data
File Name: 50D_04517
Model: Canon EOS 50D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm F/2.8 USM Macro
Date: 12.31.08 12:26am
Focal Length: 100mm (160mm)
Shutter: 1/13 s
F-Stop: F2.8
ISO: 100
Ex Bias: +1
Program: Aperture priority
Metering Mode: Evaluative
Flash: Off
Focus Mode: Manual focus


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Fine. All finished. The end. For you non-musical or un-French, that is feenay. You know, the feminine form of fin. You know, like at the end of all those exciting silent movies you watched as a kid?

Three hundred and sixty six days have flown by this year, and so have as many photos. My cameras clicked over 62,000 exposures and my hard drives crunched nearly a terabyte of data. I had no idea what I was getting myself into last January 1 when I decided on a whim to partake in this crazy challenge (OK, I kind of did). I knew it would be tough, and had no idea if I would succeed. So, did I succeed? A new photo was shot and posted every day, so technically, I'd say that is a success. Whether I succeeded in capturing a great image every day, I suppose that is subjective and up to you. ;)

I probably don't fully realize all that I have gained from this experience at this time, but here are a few things I did learn, or maybe already knew, but had reinforced.
  • I don't hate photography. Do something every day & you'll quickly learn whether it is something you truly enjoy. Sure, there were some days (OK, very late night/early mornings) where I wished I could just go to bed instead of figuring out that photo idea at 4am, but I probably would have given up on many other things.
  • There is always time in the day to enjoy one of your passions.
  • A new camera kit should come with a huge hard drive, rather than a crappy lens
  • No matter what, no matter where, no matter when, there is always something around to create a great photo. Well, as long as you have at least a sliver of light to work with.
  • You really can accomplish what you put your mind to. Cliché, I know. Now if only I could force myself to put my mind to some other things...
  • Authority figures don't always see or appreciate my photographic vision. The Saylorville incident was my only fine (which is still BS), but I had more than my fair share of harassment by security guards, etc. But, act like you know what you're doing & are supposed to be there & many won't bother you.
  • Never leave home without a camera. That special moment could pop up at any time!
  • Sometimes, writing about the photos is more working than taking it
  • People favor cookies over kibble sandwiches. Maui does not share her kibble willingly

A big thanks to all who religiously followed my journey this year. I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I did creating them! If you like what you see, do comment, it lets me know who's really out there. :) Also, thanks to Ami (wifeband) for putting up with this insanity and all that went along with it! ;)

So, what happens tomorrow? I'll take another photo. Please continue to follow my site into the next year, because the photo-a-day will continue, just in a much less time-consuming & sadistic form. I still plan to have a new photo up here every day for your viewing pleasure, however I may or may not have actually taken said photo the day before. This coming year, I'll still be shooting frequently, but the posted photos may be from past photo shoots.

So, Fine, or D.C. al Coda?

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ami   12.31.08 6:22am  
this is SOOOOO not what you were taking pics of when I went to bed last night! You made a trip to the store in the bitter cold for nothing?!?!

Here's what _I've_ learned from this experience...

> You're gonna do what you want, regardless of what authority figures say. Or what I say!

> My artistic visions aren't always fully appreciated... but, once in a while you do listen to my good ideas.

> People google "big purssy" alot. It's almost always on the recently viewed list. Bizarre.

> when you say "wifeband..." or "kitty..." and you have the camera in your hand, we both now know to run the opposite direction!!

Good job making it thru the whole year! And to me as well!! ;)
Mark   12.31.08 7:51am  
Congratulations, J....! Good job.
We'll see you next year.
Tracy   12.31.08 8:00am  
Awesome job, J....! Very well done. I enjoyed seeing the new pics every day.
Eric Martin   12.31.08 9:14am  

What a great year of photos. You have an eye for composition that is innate. That natural talent makes the photo-a-day task easier for you than most people who would attempt such a thing.

What is remarkable is the level of commitment. It is truly an exercise in self discipline and motivation -- traits of successful people.

Looking forward to next year. You should seriously go pro. You've been building quite the portfolio over the last 366 days...
Julian   12.31.08 9:29am  
So, what about those of us that learned to read music in Italian? :)

Congratulations, J..... You've done an awesome job at this, and the shear amount of effort that you've put forth for this really shows. Also, you're determination is amazing. I'd have stopped by January 7th. I'm excited to see the next batch of 365 photos. Keep it up!
Paul (2ndGenZ24)   12.31.08 9:50am  
Congratulations on your completion of your P.A.D. J..... The P.A.D. thread ensured that I visited often to check for updates. There was great attention paid to each photo and it definitely shows in your work. This was truly no small feat! Keep up the good work!
Steve   12.31.08 10:19am  
I've learned that commenting on blogs may cause other to question my intelligence and/or sanity. Nice work, thanks for the entertainment.
Colin   12.31.08 1:59pm  
Congratulations! You couldn't've done it without me!
jwen   12.31.08 3:41pm  
way to go!
i'm truly proud to say that i was a part of your p.a.d. experience!! :P
Jasey Michelle   01.01.09 12:43am  
Thanks, all, for the kind words and for following my progress this past year! 2009, here we go...
Brad   01.01.09 4:46pm  
Congrats j....! I am kinda upset that the year is over but am happy to hear that you plan on posting more photos up in 2009!
matt   01.02.09 8:47am  
Congratulations, you did a great job and it was nice to be able to look into your world but home and work through out the year. Keep up the good work and best of luck in the new year in everything you do.
Mom   01.04.09 8:54pm  
Congratulations J...., I'm very proud of you and your accomplishments. I thoroughly enjoyed your photos and creative talent and look forward to what 2009 brings! Way to photo!!
Alyssa Schultz   01.05.09 9:39am  
Congrats J....! Great job! Can't wait to see this year's pics!

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