Tilt? : April 25, 2008

Image Data
File Name: 20D_21019
Model: Canon EOS 20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm F/3.5-4.5 USM
Date: 04.24.08 5:47pm
Focal Length: 10mm (16mm)
Shutter: 1/400 s
F-Stop: F11
ISO: 200
Program: Aperture priority
Metering Mode: Evaluative
Flash: Off
Focus Mode: One shot AF


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A stratocumulus cloud belongs to a class characterized by large dark, rounded masses, usually in groups, lines, or waves, the individual elements being larger than those in altocumuli, and the whole being at a lower altitude, usually below 8,000 ft. Weak convective currents create shallow cloud layers because of drier, stable air above preventing continued vertical development.

Generally, stratocumuli bring only light rain or snow. However, these clouds are often seen at either the front or tail end of worse weather, so may indicate storms to come, in the form of thunderheads or gusty winds.

These are same in appearance to altocumuli and are often mistaken for such. A simple test to distinguish these is to compare the size of individual masses or rolls: when pointing your hand in the direction of the cloud, if the cloud is about the size of your thumb, it is altocumulus; if it is the size of your entire hand, it is stratocumulus.

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someone   04.26.08 1:47am  
where was this taken at? Saylorville dam? You need to start geotagging these pics!

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